
序号 SN 项 目 名 称 Project / Customer 建设规模及品种 Products and Capacity 原料种类 Raw Material 备料方式 Chip handling 投产日期 Start-up Time 主要供货商 Main Suppliers 备 注 Service scope/ Remarks
江苏博汇纸业有限公司三期年产100万吨高档包装纸板项目 Jiangsu Bohui Phase 3, 1 Million TPA of FBB Line 化机浆Chemi-mechanical pulp: 1500+1500t/d 杨木+桉木 Poplar+ Eucalyptus 100% Purchased Chips 2020.10 TBD 可行性、施工图 Feasibility study and detail engineering
2 江苏博汇纸业有限公司二期年产100万吨高档包装纸板项目 Jiangsu Bohui Phase 2, 1 Million TPA of FBB Line 化机浆Chemi-mechanical pulp: 1500t+750t/d 杨木+桉木 Poplar+ Eucalyptus 100% Purchased Chips 2018.10 Andritz 可行性、施工图 Feasibility study and detail engineering
3 江苏博汇纸业股份有限公司年产75万吨高档包装纸板工程 Jiangsu Bohui Phase 1, 750,000t/y of FBB Line 化机浆Chemi-mechanical pulp : 750+750t/d 杨木+桉木 Poplar+ Eucalyptus 100% Purchased Chips 2013.03 Metso 可行性、施工图 Feasibility study and detail engineering
4 山东博汇纸业股份有限公司25万吨/年化机浆工程(三期) Shandong Bohui Phase 3, 250,000t/y BCTMP Line 化机浆Chemi-mechanical pulp: 750t/d 桉木 Eucalyptus Purchased Chips 2019.12 Andritz 可行性、施工图 Feasibility study and detail engineering
5 山东博汇纸业股份有限公司15万 吨/年化机浆工程(二期) Shandong Bohui Phase 2, 150,000t/y BCTMP Line 化机浆Chemi-mechanical pulp: 450t/d 桉木 Eucalyptus 100% Purchased Chips 2009.12 Metso 施工图 Detail engineering
6 山东博汇纸业股份有限公司20万吨/年化机浆工程(一期) Shandong Bohui Phase 1, 200,000t/y BCTMP Line 化机浆Chemi-mechanical pulp: 600t/d 杨木+桉木 Poplar+ Eucalyptus 100% Purchased Chips 2005.02 Metso 可行性、施工图 Feasibility study and detail engineering
7 岳阳纸业集团有限责任公司年产18万吨低定量涂布纸工程Yueyang Paper 180,000t/y of LWC Line 化机浆Chemi-mechanical pulp : 300t/d 黑杨 Poplar 100% Self-Chipped or 100% Purchased Chips 2003.06 Andritz 可行性、初步设计、施工图 Feasibility study, basic engineering and detail engineering
8 岳阳林纸股份有限公司1#APMP生产线节能提质技改项目工程Relocating & Upgrading of 1# APMP line, Yueyang Paper 化机浆Chemi-mechanical pulp: 450t/d 杨木+桉木 Poplar+ Eucalyptus 100% Purchased Chips 2018.12 Andritz 施工图 Detail engineering
9 泰格林纸沅江纸业有限公司技改工程 Upgrading of Tiger Forest Yuanjiang Paper 化机浆Chemi-mechanical pulp: 450t/d 杨木+桉木 Poplar+ Eucalyptus 100% Purchased Chips 2014.12 Andritz, 可行性、施工图 Feasibility study and detail engineering
10 斯道拉恩索(广西)林纸一体化项目Guangxi Stora-Enso Integrated Project 化机浆Chemi-mechanical pulp: 600t/d 桉木Eucalyptus 100% Self-Chippped Chips 2015.12 Andritz 施工图 Detail engineering
11 山东太阳纸业有限公司化学机械浆工程(一期) Sun Paper APMP Line 1 化机浆Chemi-mechanical pulp: 300t/d 杨木+桉木 Poplar+ Eucalyptus 100% Self-Chipped or 100% Purchased Chips 2007.12 Andritz, Siemens 施工图 Detail engineering
12 山东太阳纸业有限公司化学机械浆工程(二期) Sun Paper APMP Line 2 化机浆Chemi-mechanical pulp: 500t/d 杨木+桉木 Poplar+ Eucalyptus 100% Purchased Chips 2009.04 Andritz,ABB 施工图 Detail engineering
13 山东太阳纸业有限公司化学机械浆工程(三期) Sun Paper APMP Line 3 化机浆Chemi-mechanical pulp:450t/d 杨木+桉木 Poplar+ Eucalyptus 100% Purchased Chips 2011.06 Andritz,,ABB 施工图 Detail engineering
14 山东太阳纸业有限公司化学机械浆工程(四期) Sun Paper APMP Line 4 化机浆Chemi-mechanical pulp: 450t/d 杨木+桉木 Poplar+ Eucalyptus 100% Purchased Chips 2012.10 Andritz,ABB 施工图 Detail engineering
15 广西金桂浆纸业有限公司 (一期)工程Phase 1, APPJG 化机浆Chemi-mechanical pulp: 2x750 t/d 桉木+相思Eucalyptus+ Acacia 100% Self-Chipped or 100% Purchased Chips 2010.12 Andritz 初步设计、施工图 Basic engineering and detail engineering
16 广西金桂浆纸业有限公司 (二期)工程Phase 2, APPJG 化机浆Chemi-mechanical pulp: 750 t/d 桉木+相思Eucalyptus+ Acacia 100% Self-Chipped or 100% Purchased Chips 2012.09 Metso 初步设计、施工图 Basic engineering and detail engineering
17 郴州市裕农纸业有限公司9.8万吨化机浆扩改工程Chenzhou Yunong Pulp Mill 98,000 tons of Chemical Pulp Expanding and Upgrading Project 化机浆Chemi-mechanical pulp: 450t/d 桉木Eucalyptus 70% self-Chipped or 100% Purchased Chips 2012.04 Metso 可行性、施工图 Feasibility study and detail engineering
18 河南新乡新亚纸业集团年产10万吨化机浆及15万吨涂布白卡纸工程Xinxiang Xinya Paper Co., Ltd., Henan, China 100,000 TPA of Chemical Pulp and 150,000 TPA of Coated Cardboard 化机浆Chemi-mechanical pulp: 300t/d C 杨木 Poplar 100% Self-Chipped or 100% Purchased Chips 2006.12 Andritz 可行性、施工图 Feasibility study and detail engineering
19 缅甸YENI制浆造纸工程YENI Pulp & Paper Project, Myanmar 50t/d化机浆板工程 CTMP: 50t/d 混合硬杂木 Mixed hard wood 100% Self-Chipped Chips 2008.10 Metso Feasibility study, basic engineering, detail engineering and technology contracting
20 南宁金浪浆业有限公司年产5万吨化机浆技改项目50,000 TPA Chemi-mechanical Pulp Technical Upgrading of Nanning Jinlang Pulp Mill 化机浆Chemi-mechanical pulp: 200t/d 桉木Eucalyptus 100% Self-Chipped or 100% Purchased Chips 2007.12 Andritz 施工图 Detail engineering
21 福建腾荣达制浆有限公司绒毛浆技改工程 Fujian Tengrongda Nap Pulp Expanding and Upgrading Project 绒毛浆Nap Pulp: 100t/d 杉木 Cedar 100% Self-Chipped or 100% Purchased Chips 2003.09 Metso 施工图 Detail engineering